Thursday, August 16, 2012

Assignment 1
This course is meant for me to be a completely different mental challenge than any of my other classes. Too often have days gone by where pen meets paper yet no actual information reaches the mind. Already this school year patterns have begun emerging in several other AP classes. The general formula of note taking followed by assigned questions for homework seems to be wearing down the creativity and zeal which I can only hope stay with me as I progress through education. This class presents the opportunity to go where few classes have dared to go. It is a large risk, and I understand this. The class must be lead by the students, and as a group we must prove this model to be effective, or else send a message of conformity in relation to success. I take this class as a great opportunity to help change what we view as "successful" in learning. I very much mean what I type, and hope to bring full effort into making this system the best it can be. The only thing to fear is that we fail to make full opportunity of this chance, and to fail other classes in our carelessness. We are pioneers, and we are going to have to do this right.

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