Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hero's Journey

  The hero that I chose was that of Link from the game the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
  1. Link is first called to action by his grandmother who gives him hero garb. On his birthday he became of age to help protect the people and at that point his journey has begun as the protagonist. His sister is soon after captured and he is called to leave his quaint life and save her.
  2. Link is afraid to leave him grandmother behind in order to save his sister, but she urges him to go, and he sets off on the open sea on his quest.
  3. The captain of the pirates who take Link with them is named Tetra, and she becomes Link's guide on his journey, leaving him a charm in order to talk with him.
  4. Link sets off to the Forsaken Fortress, with his sister at the top, in order to save her. His adventure officially starts here.
  5. Once at the top of the tower, a giant bird picks him up and tosses him across the land, ending any hope of a small adventure. He now leaves everything he has, and must forage and slay his way back to his sister in order to bring her back safely.
  1.  Link now goes through a series of quests in order to help the villagers around him accomplish different tasks. He slays a dragon, a large giant killer plant, moths, statues, and various other beasts. There are tons of things that come in threes in his journey, three pearls of wisdom just being one example.
  2. Tetra and Link are reunited when Link goes back to the tower and saves his sister as well as Tetra. She is shocked to see he has the master sword. He thinks he may be the hero of legend, but dismisses the idea. It is presumed that Link likes her.
  3. Having just saved his sister he could have just stopped right there in his quest. Instead he pushes on to do what is right, to fight for all that is good in the world.
  4. Once Link is able to reconstruct the Triforce he must take his final step on his journey. There is no going back now, and after a talk with Zelda he becomes the hero he was made to be, and sails off into the light at the Tower of the Gods.
  5. Link has become the hero of legend. He has lived up to the standards set by society. He has grown through he journey, and at this point has done all but defeat the ultimate evil, Ganondorf.
  6. Link teams up with Zelda and ultimately destroys Ganondorf, completing his journey.
C  Return
  1. Link returns back to his family as his is very attached to them. The king of Hyrule convinces him to live a life of hope.
  2. There is no adventure back, but just a pleasant least until the second time through, but that's a different journey.
  3. Simply having Tetra by his side and returning to his family lets Link integrate back into regular life.
  4. He does not share his wisdom with the world, but rather uses it to protect it.
  5. Link is able to be confident, to believe in good, and to protect that of which he loves most.
  6. His return back gives him peace, and that peace stays within him. The after journey is not very elaborate in this story.

1 comment:

  1. Read Kal Bashir's website for the best hero's journey and monomyth interpretation.
